
Showing posts from January, 2023

WORLD LEPROSY DAY - "Breaking Barriers: A Journey towards a Leprosy-Free World - The Urgent Need to Take Action on World Leprosy Day 2023"

WORLD LEPROSY DAY - "Breaking Barriers: A Journey towards a Leprosy-Free World - The Urgent Need to Take Action on World Leprosy Day 2023" On World Leprosy Day 2023, let us come together to break the barriers and create a world free of leprosy. Leprosy is a chronic, progressive and contagious disease that has affected people for thousands of years. It is a disease that not only affects the skin, but also the nerves, causing disability, stigma and discrimination. However, we are now closer than ever to eradicating leprosy. With improved diagnostic methods and effective treatment, it is possible to cure leprosy and prevent its spread. Yet, despite these advancements, millions of people around the world still suffer from leprosy and its devastating effects. We need to take action now to bring an end to this disease. This means working together to raise awareness about leprosy and its symptoms, providing access to quality care for those affected, and breaking down the

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY - "Honoring Gandhi's Legacy: 10 Ways to Empower Diabetics on MARTYRS DAY and Celebrate a Life of Courage and Compassion"

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY - "Honoring Gandhi's Legacy: 10 Ways to Empower Diabetics on MARTYRS DAY and Celebrate a Life of Courage and Compassion" Gandhi's legacy of courage and compassion inspires us all, and on Martyrs Day, we remember his contributions to the world. As a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, I believe that his principles of non-violence and self-care can help empower diabetics to live their best lives.  Here are ten ways to honor Gandhi's legacy and empower diabetics on Martyrs Day: 1. Educate yourself: Learn about the causes and effects of diabetes and how to manage it. 2. Practice self-care: Focus on eating healthy, staying active, and getting enough sleep to keep your body healthy. 3. Reduce stress: Gandhi believed in living a simple life and reducing stress. Try yoga or meditation to calm your mind and reduce stress. 4. Connect with others: Reach out to friends and family for support, and connect with others who have

SELFCARE SUNDAY - "Unleash the Shocking Truth: 7 ways Stress stealthily sabotages your blood sugar control and how to turn the tide in just minutes a day"

SELFCARE SUNDAY - "Unleash the Shocking Truth: 7 ways Stress stealthily sabotages your blood sugar control and how to turn the tide in just minutes a day" Hello everyone! My name is Dr. B Jagadish and I'm a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach. Today, I want to talk to you about the impact of stress on blood sugar levels. As we all know, stress is a normal part of life and it's something that we all experience from time to time. However, chronic stress can have a negative impact on our health, including our blood sugar levels. Here are 7 ways that stress can affect your blood sugar levels: - Stress can cause your body to release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. - Stress can also interfere with your body's ability to properly use insulin, which can lead to high blood sugar levels. - Stress can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating or choosing unhealthy foods, which can also affect blood sugar lev

FITNESS FRIDAY - "Unleash the Truth: Debunking the Top 7 Myths Holding You Back from Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals in Record Time"

FITNESS FRIDAY - "Unleash the Truth: Debunking the Top 7 Myths Holding You Back from Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals in Record Time" Losing weight can be a challenging and overwhelming task, especially when there are so many myths and misconceptions about weight loss floating around. In this article, we'll be discussing the 9 most common myths about weight loss and providing you with the facts to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Myth #1: Crash diets are the best way to lose weight quickly. Crash diets, also known as fad diets, may help you lose weight quickly, but they are not sustainable long-term. These diets often involve eating very few calories or cutting out entire food groups, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems. Instead, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Myth #2: You can spot reduce fat. Spot reducing is the idea that you can target specific

"Unleash the Power of Vasant Panchami to Control Your Diabetes: Achieving Better Blood Sugar Levels in Just 5 Days with the Blessing of Saraswati Puja"

"Unleash the Power of Vasant Panchami to Control Your Diabetes: Achieving Better Blood Sugar Levels in Just 5 Days with the Blessing of Saraswati Puja" Wishing you all a happy and blessed Vasant Panchami and Saraswati Puja! Vasant Panchami and Saraswati Puja is a festival that honors the goddess of learning, music, and arts, Saraswati. It is a day to reflect on the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge, as well as to celebrate the beauty and power of the arts. As a diabetes wellbeing coach and diabetes reversal expert, I know that education and knowledge are crucial in the fight against diabetes. Understanding the disease and how to manage it is essential for living a healthy and happy life. That's why I always encourage my patients to educate themselves about diabetes and to seek out the information and resources they need to manage their condition. But it's not just about learning about diabetes. Today, we also celebrate the arts, music, a

"Transform Your Diabetes Management: Discover the Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Optimal Health and Happiness in Just 30 Days - Happy Republic Day!"

  "Transform Your Diabetes Management: Discover the Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Optimal Health and Happiness in Just 30 Days - Happy Republic Day!" Happy Republic Day, India!  Today, we celebrate the day our Constitution came into effect and India became a republic. It's a day to remember the sacrifice and hard work of our founding fathers and to honor the values of democracy and freedom. As a diabetes wellbeing coach and diabetes reversal expert, I want to remind you that taking care of your health is an important aspect of being a responsible citizen. Diabetes is a growing problem in our country and it's important that we all take steps to prevent it and manage it if we have it. One way to do this is by making healthy choices every day. Eating nutritious food, getting regular exercise, and managing stress are all important for keeping diabetes at bay. If you have diabetes, it's important to work with your healthcare team to keep your blood sugar leve

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - Top 10 Root Causes of Insulin Resistance

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - Top 10 Root Causes of Insulin Resistance Hi everyone, welcome to our blog as a part of our Diabetes Reversal Coaching Program. My name is Dr. B Jagadish, and I'm a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach. Today, we're going to be discussing the 10 root causes of insulin resistance. This is an important topic for anyone looking to improve their insulin sensitivity and manage their blood sugar levels. Before we get started, it's important to understand what insulin resistance is. Simply put, it's when your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin, a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. When your body is resistant to insulin, it can lead to high blood sugar levels, which can increase your risk for diabetes and other health problems. Now, let's get into the 10 root causes of insulin resistance. 1. Lack of physical activity: Being inactive can lead to insulin resistance, as regular exercise helps improve insulin sensitivity. 2. P

"Empowering Girls and Women: The Importance of Managing Diabetes on National Girl Child Day"

"Empowering Girls and Women: The Importance of Managing Diabetes on National Girl Child Day" Happy National Girl Child Day everyone!  Today, we take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the strength and resilience of all the young girls out there. As a diabetes wellbeing coach, I have had the privilege of working with many young girls who have been impacted by diabetes and I have seen firsthand the challenges they face. But what I have also seen is their determination and willpower to overcome those challenges and live their best lives. Let's start by talking about the importance of empowering young girls. As we all know, girls face many obstacles and barriers in their lives, and it's crucial that we support and encourage them to reach their full potential. This includes providing them with access to education, healthcare, and opportunities to develop their skills and talents. One of the ways we can empower young girls is by educating them about diabetes

"Unleashing the Power of Education: How Patient Education is Key to Managing Diabetes Successfully on International Day of Education"

"Unleashing the Power of Education: How Patient Education is Key to Managing Diabetes Successfully on International Day of Education" Happy International Day of Education!  Today, we celebrate the power of education and its ability to transform lives. As a diabetes wellbeing coach, I know that education plays a critical role in managing diabetes and achieving optimal health. When it comes to diabetes, education is key. Understanding how the disease affects the body and how to properly manage it is crucial for preventing complications and achieving good health. This includes learning about healthy eating, physical activity, monitoring blood sugar levels, and taking medications as prescribed. But education isn't just about learning facts and figures. It's also about understanding your own unique needs and how to effectively manage your diabetes in a way that works for you. This is where personalized education comes in. As a coach, I work with individuals to


BEST WISHES for PARAKRAM DIWAS - Remembering NETAJI SUBASH CHANDRA BOSE... Happy Parakram Diwas everyone!  Today, we celebrate the birth anniversary of the great leader and freedom fighter, Shri Subash Chandra Bose. Bose, also known as "Netaji," was a true inspiration to many. He dedicated his life to the independence of India and worked tirelessly to achieve it. He was a man of great courage and determination, and his legacy continues to inspire us to this day. As a diabetes wellbeing coach, I believe that one of the best ways to honor Bose's memory is by following in his footsteps and being determined to take control of our own health. Just as Bose fought for India's freedom, we too can fight for our own freedom from diabetes. Managing diabetes can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and mindset, it is definitely achievable. By making small changes to our lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking our medicatio

FITNESS FRIDAY - 7 Types of Stress Impacting Blood Sugar

FITNESS FRIDAY - 7 Types of Stress Impacting your Blood Sugar Hello everyone, welcome to today's blog article. My name is Dr. Jagadish and I am a renowned Diabetes Wellbeing Coach. Today, I want to talk to you about the 7 types of stress that can affect your blood sugar levels. First, let's start by defining what stress is . Stress is a natural response to a perceived threat or challenge. It can be physical, emotional, mental, hormonal, environmental, illness-related, or medication-related. And unfortunately, all of these types of stress can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels. Let's start with physical stress . This can include things like strenuous exercise or an injury. When you engage in intense physical activity, your body releases stress hormones that can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. And if you're injured, the body's healing process can also cause blood sugar levels to rise. Next, emotional stress . This can include things

THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY - 7 Barriers to Diabetes Management and Reversal...

THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY - 7 Barriers to Diabetes Management and Reversal... Hi everyone, and welcome to our today's blog article on the 7 barriers to diabetes management and reversal.  My name is Dr. B Jagadish, and I am a diabetes wellbeing coach. I am excited to be here today to talk with you about some of the common obstacles that people with diabetes face when trying to manage or reverse their condition. Before we get started, let me just give you a quick overview of what we'll be discussing today.  First, we'll be talking about the top 7 barriers to diabetes reversal, including things like stress, lack of support, and unhealthy habits.  Then, we'll discuss how to overcome these barriers and take control of your health.  Finally, we'll wrap up with some tips and strategies for success on your diabetes reversal journey. Now, let's dive in to the first barrier: stress. Stress can be a major roadblock when it comes to reversing diabetes, as it can lead

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - 7 Ways to Get more Fiber in your Diet for better Diabetes Management

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - 7 Ways to Get more Fiber in your Diet for better Diabetes Management Hello and welcome to my blog.  My name is Dr. B Jagadish, and I'm a diabetes reversal expert. Today, we're going to talk about seven ways to get more fiber in your diet for better diabetes management. First and foremost, let's talk about why fiber is important for people with diabetes. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that your body can't digest, so it passes through your system without being absorbed. This means that it doesn't raise your blood sugar levels, which is great for people with diabetes who need to keep their blood sugar levels in check. Now, let's move on to the seven ways to get more fiber in your diet: 1. Eat more fruits and vegetables:  Fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber, especially if you eat them with the skins on. Try to aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. 2. Choose whole grains:  When shopping for gra

FITNESS FRIDAY - Coffee / Tea - Good or Bad for Diabetes Patients?

FITNESS FRIDAY - Coffee / Tea - Good or Bad for Diabetes Patients? Hey everyone, it's Dr. B Jagadish here, your diabetes wellbeing coach. Today, we're going to talk about the pros and cons of tea and coffee for diabetes patients. Now, I know many of you may be avid tea and coffee drinkers, and it can be hard to give up your daily cup of joy or chai. But as a diabetes patient, it's important to consider the potential effects of these beverages on your blood sugar and overall health. First, let's talk about the pros. Both tea and coffee contain polyphenols, catechins, and chlorogenic acid, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect against inflammation and oxidative stress. These antioxidants may also help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Additionally, tea and coffee also contain tannins, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. And for those who need a little p


THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY - 7 TIPS for CHOOSING the RIGHT MEDICATION for DIABETES MANAGEMENT   Hello and welcome to today's blog. My name is Dr B Jagadish and I am a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach. Today's topic is something that I get asked about a lot, and that is how to choose the right medication for diabetes management.  If you have diabetes, you know that managing your blood sugar levels can be a daunting task, but with the right medication and treatment plan, you can take control of your health and live a healthy, active life.  But with so many options available, how do you choose what's the right medication for your?  So, without further ado, here are my 7 tips for choosing the right medication for diabetes management:- 1. Consult with your healthcare provider.  Your healthcare provider is the best person to guide you on the right medication for your specific needs. Don't be afraid to ask questions and express any concerns you may have. 2. Consider the type of d

SELFCARE SATURDAY - 9 Ways to Stay Active and Healthy while Traveling with Diabetes

SELFCARE SATURDAY - 9 Ways to Stay Active and Healthy while Traveling with Diabetes  Hello everyone, and welcome to our latest edition of Diabetes Patient Education. My name is Dr. B Jagadish, and I am your diabetes wellbeing coach. Today, we are going to be talking about a topic that many of you may be interested in - staying active and healthy while traveling with diabetes. Whether you are taking a short road trip or going on a long international vacation, it is important to take care of your health and wellness while on the go. So, let's dive in and take a look at 9 ways to stay active and healthy while traveling with diabetes. Pack healthy snacks. When you are on the road or in the air, it can be easy to grab unhealthy snacks like chips or candy. Make sure to pack some healthier options like nuts, fruits, or protein bars to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Stay hydrated. It is important to stay hydrated at all times, but especially when you are traveling. Pack a


FACTFUL FRIDAY - 5 Things To Know About GESTATIONAL DIABETES...  - It's a form of Diabetes that develops during Pregnancy - It can increase the risk of complications for both the baby and mother. - It also increases the risk of developing Diabetes later in life. - It can be managed through Diet and Exercise. - It's important to follow up regularly with your Doctor after Delivery.  #drbjagadish #masterdoctor #diabetesreversal #prediabeticentrepreneurs #healthcoaching #healthyliving #successmindset #wellnessjourney #chronicdiseaseprevention #prediabetesawareness #diabetesmanagement


9 Core Habits To Increase your Productivity in 2023 Hey there! Are you looking to increase your productivity in 2023? Look no further! I have a list of 9 core habits that can help boost your productivity and set you up for success in the new year. These habits range from setting aside time for self-care, to learning new skills, to simply being more mindful of your daily routine. Let's dive in! 1. Wake up Early: Setting your alarm for between 5 and 6 am can do wonders for your productivity. You'll have a head start on the day and can accomplish a lot before the rest of the world even wakes up. 2. Write down your thoughts before you sleep: Take a few minutes before bed to jot down your goals for the next day and express gratitude for what you accomplished today. This will help clear your mind and set you up for a productive tomorrow. 3. Learn an online skill 30 minutes daily: Dedicating just half an hour each day to learning a new skill can really add up over time. No

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - 9 TIPS for managing your Cholesterol levels in Diabetes Management

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY - 9 TIPS for managing your Cholesterol levels in Diabetes Management Hello and welcome to today's blog! I'm Dr B Jagadish, your Diabetes Wellbeing Coach, and today we will discuss about an important topic - managing your cholesterol levels in diabetes management. As you may know, high cholesterol levels can be a major risk factor for developing heart disease, which is a common complication of diabetes. That's why it's so important to keep an eye on your cholesterol levels and take steps to manage them effectively. So today, I'm going to share with you 9 tips for managing your cholesterol levels in diabetes management. Let's get started! Tip #1: Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is low in saturated and trans fats. This means choosing foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like olive oil and avocados. Tip #2: Get plenty of physical activity. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exerc


MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY - 10 TIPS for Reversing PREDIABETES...!! First and foremost, it's important to understand that prediabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not quite high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes.  If left untreated, prediabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes, which is a serious and chronic health condition. But the good news is that prediabetes is reversible!  Here are 10 tips for reversing it: 1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet:  This means focusing on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks, and limit your intake of added sugars. 2. Get regular physical activity:  Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, like brisk walking or cycling, every day. This can help lower your blood sugar levels and improve your insulin sensitivity. 3. Lose excess weight:  Carrying extra pounds can increase your risk of developing prediabetes,

Best Wishes for GLOBAL FAMILY DAY 2023...

Best Wishes for GLOBAL FAMILY DAY 2023... Happy Global Family Day everyone! Today is a day to celebrate the special bond we share with our loved ones, and to recognize the importance of supporting each other through thick and thin. As a Diabetes Reversal Coach, I know firsthand the challenges that families can face when managing diabetes. It's not an easy journey, but with the right support and encouragement from our loved ones, we can achieve much more. Today, let's take a moment to appreciate the role that our families play in helping us manage our diabetes. Whether it's helping us prepare healthy meals, reminding us to take our medication, or just being there to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on, our families are a vital part of our support system. So let's make a pledge to support each other, not just today but every day. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of those living with diabetes and work towards better health and well-be