
Showing posts with the label Diversity

WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY 2023 : "10 Shocking Facts About Diabetes and Down Syndrome You Need to Know "

WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY 2023 : "10 Shocking Facts About Diabetes and Down Syndrome You Need to Know " Do you know someone with Down syndrome?  Do you know that they are at a higher risk of developing diabetes than the general population?  Do you know that diabetes can have serious consequences for their health and well-being?  Do you know that there are ways to prevent and treat diabetes in people with Down syndrome? If you answered no to any of these questions, then this article is for you.  As a renowned Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, I want to share with you 10 shocking facts about diabetes and Down syndrome that you need to know before World Down Syndrome Day 2023. Time is running out to make a difference! World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated every year on March 21st to raise awareness and advocate for the rights and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.  This year’s theme is ‘With Us, Not For Us ’, emphasizing that p...