
WORLD TB DAY 2023: Shocking Link Between Diabetes and Tuberculosis - 7 Expert Tips to Prevent and Treat TB

WORLD TB DAY 2023: Shocking Link Between Diabetes and Tuberculosis - 7 Expert Tips to Prevent and Treat TB Hello, dear reader. I’m a renowned Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, and today I want to talk to you about a very important topic that affects millions of people around the world: the link between diabetes and tuberculosis (TB). Did you know that people with diabetes have a 2-3 times higher risk of TB than people without diabetes?  And that diabetes can worsen the clinical course of TB, and TB can worsen glucose control in people with diabetes? That’s right.  Diabetes and TB are two diseases that are directly related to each other, and they can have devastating consequences for your health and well-being. But don’t worry. There is hope. There are ways to prevent and treat both diseases, and to live a healthy and happy life. In this article, I will share with you some shocking facts about the link between diabetes and TB, and some expert ti...

7 Surprising Benefits of Fasting for Diabetics: What Science Says About Ramadan and Blood Sugar

7 Surprising Benefits of Fasting for Diabetics: What Science Says About Ramadan and Blood Sugar The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Ramadan with Diabetes: The Risks, The Rewards, and The Rules and Advice from Experts Fasting is a practice that involves abstaining from food and drink for a certain period of time, usually for religious or health reasons.  Fasting can have various effects on your body and mind, depending on how long and how often you do it. But what if you have diabetes?  Can you fast safely and effectively?  How does fasting affect your blood sugar levels and your diabetes management?  And what are the benefits and risks of fasting for diabetics? In this article, we will explore these questions and more, focusing on the case of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, charity, and community. It is also a time of physical challenge, as Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn...

How Ugadi Can Boost Your Immunity and Lower Your Diabetes Risk: 5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know

How Ugadi Can Boost Your Immunity and Lower Your Diabetes Risk: 5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know What Diabetics Need to Know About Ugadi: The Benefits, Risks, and Tips for a Safe and Happy Celebration Ugadi is a festival that marks the beginning of a new year in the Hindu lunar calendar. The word “Ugadi” is derived from the Sanskrit words “yuga” and “adi,” which mean “age” and “beginning” respectively.  The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion by people in the southern states of India. But if you are a diabetic, you might be wondering how to enjoy this auspicious occasion without compromising your health and blood sugar levels. After all, Ugadi is also a time when people indulge in various delicacies and sweets that are not very friendly for your diabetes management. Don’t worry, we have got you covered.  In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Ugadi as a diabetic: the benefits, the risks, and the tips for a safe a...

Cheti Chand 101 : A Celebration of New Beginnings and Better Health for Diabetics

Cheti Chand 101: A Celebration of New Beginnings and Better Health for Diabetics   Do you know what Cheti Chand is? If you are a Sindhi Hindu, you probably do. But if you are not, you might be wondering what this festival is all about.  Well, Cheti Chand is the Sindhi New Year, celebrated on the first day of the Sindhi month of Chet, which usually falls in March or April.  It is also the birthday of Jhulelal, the patron saint of Sindhis, who is believed to have saved them from a tyrannical ruler who wanted to convert them to Islam. Cheti Chand is a festival of joy, gratitude, and hope. It marks the arrival of spring and the harvesting season. It is a time to thank the God of water, Varun Devta, for his blessings and protection. It is also a time to pray for peace, prosperity, and good health for oneself and one’s family.    But what does Cheti Chand have to do with diabetes? Well, as a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, I believe ...

What Every Diabetic Should Do on Gudi Padwa : A Diabetologist Reveals the 7 Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Festival

What Every Diabetic Should Do on GUDI PADWA : A Diabetologist Reveals the 7 Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Festival Gudi Padwa is a spring festival that marks the beginning of the new year for Marathi and Konkani Hindus, but is also celebrated by other Hindus as well It is a time of joy, gratitude, and hope for a prosperous future. But for diabetics, it can also be a time of stress, temptation, and guilt.  How can you enjoy the festive foods, rituals, and celebrations without compromising your health and well-being? As a renowned Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, I have helped thousands of diabetics overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. In this article, I will share with you the 7 secrets to a healthy and happy Gudi Padwa that will not only keep your blood sugar levels in check, but also boost your mood, energy, and immunity. Secret #1: Start your day with a positive affirmation.  Do you know what is the first thing you should do o...

Best Wishes for NAVROZ : The Vedic New Year that Can Transform Your Diabetes Wellbeing in 21 Days or Less

Best Wishes for NAVROZ : The Vedic New Year that Can Transform Your Diabetes Wellbeing in 21 Days or Less Do you know what Navroz is?  If you are a Parsi, you probably do. But if you are not, you might be wondering what this festival is all about and how it can help you improve your diabetes wellbeing. Navroz, also known as Nowruz or Parsi New Year, is a celebration of the first day of spring and the renewal of nature. It is observed by millions of people around the world who follow the Zoroastrian faith or have Persian roots. In India, Parsis celebrate Navroz twice a year: once in March, around the time of the vernal equinox, and once in August, according to the Shahenshahi calendar . Navroz is not just a cultural or religious festival. It is also a time to reflect on your life, your health, and your goals. It is a time to cleanse your body and mind from the toxins and negativity of the past year and embrace a new beginning with optimism and gratitude. It is a time to ...

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Equinox: How Hindu New Year Can Help You Achieve Your Diabetes Goals in 2023 (A Step-by-Step Plan)

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Equinox: How Hindu New Year Can Help You Achieve Your Diabetes Goals in 2023 (A Step-by-Step Plan) Hello, dear reader!  I’m so glad you’re here. As a renowned Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert, I’m passionate about helping you live a healthy and happy life with diabetes. And I have some exciting news for you: the spring equinox is coming soon, and it’s a perfect opportunity to start fresh and make some positive changes in your diabetes management. What is the spring equinox, you ask?  Well, it’s a special day when the Sun is exactly above the Equator, and the day and night are of equal length. It marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and it’s celebrated by many cultures around the world as a time of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. In India, for example, the spring equinox falls in the middle of Vasant Ritu, which is one of the six seasons in the Hindu calendar. Vasant Ritu means “spring seas...